Ahead of its highly anticipated World Premiere at the upcoming Sundance Film Festival 2024, the official poster for Rose Glass’s romantic thriller “Love Lies Bleeding” has...
In the realm of horror, there’s a classic scene: a character keeps the light shining to fend off the lurking terrors of the dark. Lost Frame...
Coming from the creative minds behind the unsettling ‘Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey,’ prepare for another iconic childhood tale turned chilling in ‘Bambi: The Reckoning.’...
Joe Lynch, known for directing films like “Wrong Turn 2” and “Mayhem,” brings his latest creation, “Suitable Flesh,” inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Thing On The...
Director William Brent Bell, known for projects like “The Boy” and “Separation,” took charge of the directorial responsibilities for “Orphan: First Kill,” a prequel film that...
EW has dropped another bombshell for “Chucky” fans eagerly awaiting Season 3: Part 2, slated for release next year. The news? Legendary filmmaker John Waters, known...
Filming is currently underway in Athens, Greece for the new fantasy horror movie, Triton. According to THR, Freya Allan, known for her role in “The Witcher,”...
Shudder is gearing up to kick off the new year with the uproarious splatter-comedy, “Destroy All Neighbors,” featuring Alex Winter and Jonah Ray Rodrigues. The unveiling...
Prepare for the arrival of a chilling new slasher, “Punch,” set to debut next month, featuring a horror antagonist drawing inspiration from the historical puppet show,...
Parker Finn’s horror flick “Smile,” an adaptation derived from his own short film “Laura Hasn’t Slept,” is set to expand its haunting narrative with “Smile 2”...