Monkeypaw Productions’ upcoming horror film, previously known as “Goat,” has undergone a title change and will now be released as “Him.” Set to hit theaters on...
Legendary has emerged victorious in a competitive bidding war, securing an ambitious deal with Mob Entertainment to bring the horror video game “Poppy Playtime” to life...
Remember “The Breed”? The 2006 killer dog film directed by Nicholas Mastandrea and produced by the late Wes Craven? Well, it seems it’s about to get...
Ahead of the third installment in the Abbott family saga, the prequel spinoff “A Quiet Place: Day One” is set to hit theaters on June 28,...
Danny Boyle and Alex Garland are teaming up once again for the highly anticipated 28 Years Later horror sequel trilogy, and Deadline has just unveiled the...
Shudder, Sony Pictures Television, and Stolen Pictures are teaming up to bring audiences “Black Cab,” a supernatural horror film featuring Nick Frost (known for “Shaun of...
Following the success of shark-themed blockbusters “47 Meters Down” (2017) and “47 Meters Down: Uncaged” (2019), the franchise is set to make waves once again with...
Netflix has kicked off production for the eagerly awaited “Wednesday” Season 2, unveiling the full ensemble cast through an entertaining teaser video. Jenna Ortega reprises her...
It has been previously reported on various platforms that A24 has pulled out of the prequel to the Friday the 13th franchise, Crystal Lake. However, that...
The “animals attack” genre is about to get a thrilling new addition with the upcoming film “Savage Hunt,” directed by Roel Reiné (“Halo”), as revealed by...