The complete schedule for the feature narrative, documentary, and animation films at the Tribeca Film Festival 2023, presented by OKX, has been released. The best new...
With Insidious: The Red Door, Sony Pictures is returning to The Further this summer. IGN unveiled the official trailer today. (Check it out up here!) On...
We never anticipated seeing characters from the Scream series return, such as Kirby Reed and Billy Loomis, but Scream 2022 and Scream VI have shown that...
The home invasion action film Becky, directed by Jonathan Milott and Cary Murnion, was released in 2020, and the follow-up will be shown in theaters starting...
The Shrouds, David Cronenberg’s upcoming feature, will begin shooting in May. Sandrine Holt (“Fear the Walking Dead”) has reportedly joined the cast, according to Deadline. We...
According to today’s news from Deadline, Jessica Biel (“The Sinner,” “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”) and Xochitl Gomez (“Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”) have been...
We learned today that Joe Lynch‘s (Wrong Turn 2, Mayhem, “Creepshow”) newest film, Suitable Flesh, which is based on H.P. Lovecraft’s The Thing On The Doorstep,...
In the 1999 parody Galaxy Quest, actors from a science fiction television series were transformed into real-life heroes. According to THR, Paramount+ is now turning Galaxy...
This week, we got the tragic news that Carol Locatell, who was well-known to horror fans for her part in Friday the 13th: A New Beginning,...
Blizzard has declared that Diablo IV has gone gold, which denotes that development is complete and the game is prepared for mass production, with the adjustments...