ScreenDaily reports that Aislinn Clarke, known for directing “The Devil’s Doorway,” has recently begun production on the horror film “Fréwaka” in Ireland. The movie revolves around...
Disney+ to Remove R.L. Stine's "Just Beyond" and Several Other Titles in Streaming Service Cleanup.
El Estudio and Morbido have announced the launch of ‘The Latin House of Horror,’ an ambitious feature film slate aimed at showcasing the emerging voices of...
Director Joe Marcantonio, known for his work on “Kindred,” is set to helm the upcoming revenge thriller “Uncle,” according to Deadline. The film will feature Morfydd...
Nicolas Cage is set to star in the upcoming psychological thriller ‘The Surfer‘, directed by Lorcan Finnegan (known for ‘Vivarium’ and ‘Nocebo’), as reported by The...
Netflix has released a chilling teaser for the upcoming horror film ‘Sister Death‘ (aka ‘Hermana Muerte’), which serves as a prequel to the acclaimed movie ‘Veronica’...
French horror-thriller ‘Hood Witch‘ unveils first-look image as it explores the dark side of a malfunctioning mobile app. Making his directorial debut, Saïd Belktibia promises a...
‘Killers of the Flower Moon’ Film Adaptation Unveils Official Trailer – Scorsese's Exploration of a Gruesome American Crime.
Barbara Crampton and Graham Skipper Star in Lovecraft-Inspired Horror Film 'Suitable Flesh' at Tribeca Film Festival.
‘They Listen,’ a highly anticipated horror film from Sony, Blumhouse, and Depth of Field, has encountered a significant setback. Originally slated for a theatrical release on...