Mads Mikkelsen Expresses Hope for a "Hannibal" Revival, But Show Remains Homeless.
Renowned directorial team Radio Silence, known for their work on films like “V/H/S,” “Southbound,” and the “Scream” franchise, is set to helm an enigmatic project titled...
Samuel Bodin, the talented creator behind the popular Netflix horror series “Marianne,” is making a comeback to the genre with Lionsgate’s upcoming horror movie, “Cobweb.” The...
Director Fede Alvarez, known for his work on “Evil Dead” and “Don’t Breathe,” is taking the helm of the next installment in the Alien franchise, marking...
Lionsgate’s latest release, “Cannibal Cabin,” is now available for streaming On Demand and on various digital platforms starting today, June 13. To give you a thrilling...
Prepare to be captivated by the spine-chilling journey of fear in “Mind Body Spirit,” a found footage nightmare that will premiere at the Chattanooga Film Festival...
James Wan and Patrick Wilson recently engaged in an interactive session on Reddit in anticipation of the upcoming release of “Insidious: The Red Door.” Fans eagerly...
The iconic ‘Leprechaun’ franchise is set to continue its magical journey with a fresh vision. Following the success of ‘Leprechaun Returns’ in 2018, Lionsgate has now...
Scott Beck and Bryan Woods, known for their work on the successful films A Quiet Place and 65, are gearing up for their next project, the...
Indie Werewolf Short 'Let It Kill You' Offers a Fresh Twist on Lycanthrope Lore.