The legacy of horror maestro George A. Romero lives on, as his long-awaited zombie movie “Twilight of the Dead” is finally coming to fruition. Since Romero’s...
Prepare for a wild and hilarious horror-comedy experience with “Slotherhouse,” coming to theaters nationwide on August 30, 2023, courtesy of Gravitas Ventures. The film introduces Alpha,...
After a year of dedicated production, Womp Stomp Films has successfully wrapped principal photography for “Never Hike Alone 2,” as reported by Bloody Disgusting. To mark...
BD reports that HighballTV has announced the successful completion of production for their highly anticipated monster-centered genre anthology film, “God of Frogs.” The movie features four...
Radio Silence, the talented filmmaking team behind successful movies like “V/H/S,” “Southbound,” and “Ready or Not,” resurrected Ghostface in the hit sequel “Scream” in 2022. They...
In an exclusive report, it has been revealed that William Fichtner will star alongside climbing legends Alex Honnold, Brette Harrington, and Adrian Ballinger in the indie...
Deadline has reported that Imagine Entertainment has acquired the film rights to Daniel Kraus’s upcoming novel, “Whalefall,” set to hit stores on August 8th. The accomplished...
Universal Studios’ Halloween Horror Nights is making a spine-chilling return to the Universal Orlando Resort on September 1st, followed by the festivities at Universal Studios Hollywood...
Fantastico Studio and the late Ruggero Deodato have teamed up to create an exciting visual novel game titled ‘Cannibal Tales‘. If you’ve been eagerly waiting to...
'Frankie Freako': Director Steven Kostanski Unleashes a Rock 'n' Roll Party Monster in Hilarious Horror Comedy.