In 2018, “The Meg” made a colossal splash at the box office, debuting with a whopping $45 million in the United States and ultimately amassing a...
Uma Thurman, Samuel L. Jackson, and Joe Manganiello Unite for the Upcoming Thriller "The Kill Room".
Reviving the Final Destination Series: New Movie in the Works, Intriguing Insights from Franchise Creator.
Upcoming Adaptation of R.L. Stine's "Zombie Town" Set to Thrill Audiences.
Home Depot‘s massive 12-foot-tall skeleton decoration went viral back in 2020 for being such an attention-grabbing Halloween display piece, and he’s back again this year! In...
The folks over at are looking to give Home Depot a run for their money this year, unleashing a few MEGA-SIZED outdoor Halloween decorations of their own. Officially licensed, just...
Rob Zombie’s House of 1000 Corpses has seen its anniversary this year and what better to go along with it than a bonified coloring book based on...
The classic 1990s video game franchise, Twisted Metal, has been adapted into a television series that is ten 30-minute episodes. Season 1 is currently airing all...
Prepare for an adrenaline-pumping adventure as the fearsome sharks return in “Meg 2: The Trench,” hitting the big screen tonight. Ahead of the release, Rotten Tomatoes...
Netflix is reportedly taking on the iconic classic monster tale with a remake of ‘Bride of Frankenstein’ titled ‘The Bride,’ and Maggie Gyllenhaal is set to...