In anticipation of its International Premiere at the UK’s FrightFest, Raven Banner has unveiled the trailer for John Pata’s “Black Mold,” a cinematic venture described as...
Visionary filmmaker J.A. Bayona, known for his work on cinematic gems like “The Orphanage,” “A Monster Calls,” and “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom,” is set to enthrall...
Following the spine-tingling success of “Terrified” in 2017, filmmaker Demián Rugna is set to send shivers down our spines once again with his new horror movie,...
The Hollywood Reporter has unveiled that Sophie Skelton from Outlander is set to lead the ensemble cast of the upcoming UK murder mystery thriller titled “Row.”...
“Gen V,” the anticipated spinoff series of “The Boys,” is set to embark on a different kind of schooling experience this Fall. The upcoming series, which...
Shudder, Studio71, Cinepocalypse, and Bloody Disgusting are teaming up to take viewers on a nostalgic journey back to the 1980s with “V/H/S/85.” The film will make...
Filmmaker Sam Curtain pulls no punches with “Beaten to Death,” delivering an unsettling and extreme horror experience that’s bound to leave a lasting impact. Today, we’re...
Prime Video's "Fallout" TV Series Unveils Its Post-Apocalyptic Journey for 2024.
Prepare for the Horror Comeback of the Year with 'The Exorcist: Believer'.
The entire “Jaws” franchise, featuring the iconic great white shark, is splashing back on Netflix’s streaming platform this September. Get ready to revisit the aquatic horrors...