As we eagerly await the release of the latest installment in the Saw franchise, Saw X, Cinemark has decided to heighten the anticipation with a range of...
The Universal Classic Monsters Limited Edition Collection has arrived on 4K! The monsters have never looked better. The set includes all your favorites like Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy, The...
Warner Bros.’ The Nun II retains the top position at the box office this weekend, closely followed by Disney’s A Haunting in Venice at the second spot. The Nun II has...
Syfy delighted fans today by dropping an exciting full trailer for the highly anticipated third season of “Chucky,” set to make its return on October 4....
Brian Duffield's Intense Sci-Fi Thriller 'No One Will Save You' Premieres on Hulu September 22.
Found Footage Horror Franchise 'Paranormal Activity' Takes a Startling Turn with Upcoming Stage Play.
Exclusive look at the teaser trailer for the upcoming horror thriller, ‘Last Straw.‘ This highly anticipated film is set to have its world premiere at Sitges...
Supergiant Games, the creators of the critically acclaimed ‘Hades,’ have revealed a revised launch date for ‘Hades II’ in Early Access. Originally slated for a release...
Coming to limited theaters and VOD platforms on October 20, courtesy of Dark Sky Films, is Robyn August’s indie slasher flick, “KillHer,” now unveiled with an...
Directed by Vera Whelpton and Kendall Whelpton, the visionary minds behind “The House in Between” and “The Sleepless Unrest,” provided with an exclusive look at the...