The horror comedy series “Shining Vale” made its debut on Starz in March 2022, and it was confirmed last month that the show’s second season is...
Following the success of Roar Uthaug’s Norwegian monster movie “Troll,” which premiered on Netflix in December of last year, a sequel is officially in the works....
Adapted from H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Thing On The Doorstep,” Joe Lynch, known for films like “Wrong Turn 2,” “Mayhem,” and “Creepshow,” wowed audiences with his new...
Production for the upcoming horror film “The Cousin” is slated to kick off this October, and exciting news has emerged regarding the project. As reported by...
Nicolas Cage Returns in A24's Dark Comedy 'Dream Scenario': Official Trailer Out Now.
Blowfish Studios and Indiesruption Set to Unveil ‘Vlad Circus: Descend into Madness’ at Steam Next Fest Following its recent appearance at Feardemic’s Fear Fest earlier this...
Sung Kang, Best Known for Fast & Furious, Makes Directorial Debut with 'Shaky Shivers'.
Following its premiere at Tribeca, the horror film “You’ll Never Find Me,” directed by Josiah Allen and Indianna Bell, has secured a home at Shudder, it...
Prepare for a spine-tingling experience with this first look at Hulu’s eagerly awaited paranormal series, “Living For The Dead.” The series is set to make its...
As the spooky season approaches, BoxLunch has rolled out an exclusive horror-themed merchandise collection that promises to delight fans of the genre. This unique collection blends...