Actress Aisling Franciosi, known for her roles in “The Nightingale” and “Last Voyage of the Demeter,” is gearing up for her next project, the intriguing horror...
Kevin Greutert’s “Saw X” is bringing Jigsaw back to the big screen on September 29, offering a sequel to the original “Saw” movie that promises an...
At the Tokyo Game Show 2023, Director Hideaki Itsuno took the stage to kickstart Capcom’s presence and provide gamers with an in-depth look at the highly...
Demián Rugna, the filmmaker who sent shivers down audiences’ spines with “Terrified” in 2017, is back with a bone-chilling new horror movie titled “When Evil Lurks.”...
Bishal Dutta’s upcoming horror film, “It Lives Inside,” is set to hit theaters on September 22nd, courtesy of NEON, and today, we have a new poster...
Recently announced during Feardemic’s Fear Fest, the collaborative effort between Atari and SneakBox, the turn-based RPG roguelite titled “Days of Doom,” has officially launched on PC...
Steven Spielberg’s journey to becoming a director of feature films was marked by his early work in short films and episodes of TV shows such as...
David Gordon Green’s Halloween trilogy concluded with Halloween Ends in October of last year, and now fans can delve deep into the entire trilogy with an...
'Doug Bradley Returns to Battle Demons in "The Exorcists" - Exclusive Trailer Debut'.
The original “Walking Dead” spinoff, “Fear the Walking Dead,” is set to conclude this year with the second half of Season 8, scheduled to premiere on...