The collaboration between “American Horror Story” creator Ryan Murphy and actress Sarah Paulson extended to the 2020 Netflix series “Ratched,” an 8-episode exploration of the origin...
Production for the highly anticipated “The Last of Us” Season 2 is gearing up, and this week brings exciting casting news. Catherine O’Hara, known for her...
The latest installment of the acclaimed HBO series, “True Detective: Night Country,” is currently unfolding on Max, with three episodes remaining to unravel the enigmatic mysteries...
The gripping zombie series “Black Summer” made its return to Netflix with its second season on June 17, 2021. However, nearly three years have passed since...
Paramount+ debuted the werewolf horror series “Wolf Pack” in January 2023, but unfortunately, TV Line reports that the show has been canceled after just one season....
Mark Mylod, Director of 'The Menu,' Added to the Roster of Episode Directors
Rick & Michonne Series Teases an Explosive Action-Horror Event
The popular series “Squid Game” is set to make a comeback with its highly anticipated Season 2 on Netflix, according to a letter to shareholders obtained...
The return of “Yellowjackets” to Showtime comes with a mix of good and bad news. Unfortunately, fans will have to wait until 2025 for “Yellowjackets” Season...
Netflix and Ryan Murphy’s upcoming addition to the ‘Monster’ anthology series is titled “Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story.” Set to debut on Netflix in...