The popular Disney+ series “Goosebumps” is returning for an exciting second season, promising a fresh storyline, a new cast, and a captivating setting to enthrall audiences...
The acclaimed horror series “Chucky” is set to return to screens with “Season 3: Part 2” premiering on April 10, and SYFY has unveiled a collection...
Peacock’s forthcoming series “Teacup,” based on Robert McCammon’s “Stinger,” is set to be produced by James Wan. Deadline reports that Scott Speedman, known for his role...
Four new cast members, including Damon Herriman, are set to join Kevin Bacon and Jennifer Nettles on Blumhouse TV’s upcoming action horror series, “The Bondsman,” slated...
Dennis Quaid, best known for his intense performance in Deon Taylor’s The Intruder, is set to delve into darkness once again in the forthcoming Paramount+ series...
The anticipation for the fourth season of “Evil” builds with the release of a new teaser trailer, offering a glimpse into the demonic chaos awaiting viewers....
During NBCUniversal’s TCA presentation today, Peacock made a significant announcement, revealing the straight-to-series order for four new scripted projects from Universal Studio Group. Among these is...
The highly anticipated third season of “Chucky” on USA and SYFY was divided into two parts due to last year’s Hollywood strikes, but fans can rejoice...
We’re nearing the climax in the Night Country. With just one episode remaining to unravel the enigmas of “True Detective: Night Country,” the season has emerged...
The thrilling R.L. Stine-inspired Disney+ series “Goosebumps” is set to return for a second season, bringing fresh scares and mysteries to audiences, as revealed over the...