According to Variety this week, Madeleine Stowe (Revenge) and Stephen Rider (Daredevil) have signed on to star in the new series “Welcome to Derry,” which will...
In the 1999 parody Galaxy Quest, actors from a science fiction television series were transformed into real-life heroes. According to THR, Paramount+ is now turning Galaxy...
A first peek teaser for the upcoming Hulu Original Series “The Clearing,” which is based on the best-selling crime novel In The Clearing by author J.P....
Amazon Studios is adapting “56 Days” into a television series, with James Wan’s Atomic Monster on board to produce, based on the bestseller book by Catherine...
Warner Bros. Discovery has revealed that the new series “Welcome to Derry” will serve as an official prequel to the two Andy Muschietti IT movies, which...
Peacock has just announced that Julie Bowen (Hubie Halloween, An American Werewolf in Paris) will star in the straight-to-series coming-of-age thriller Hysteria!, a drama series that...
We discovered that a “Stranger Things” animated series is in the works at Netflix ahead of “Stranger Things 5,” which is slated to be the final...
“American Horror Story 12” will premiere later this year, according to an announcement made this afternoon, and Kim Kardashian and Emma Roberts will star. Season 12...
On paper, it doesn’t sound like something you’d expect to see on Disney+, but Deadline reports today that Disney+ has given the green light to a...
Adrian Lyne’s Fatal Attraction is getting a series adaptation from Paramount+, and the official trailer has arrived ahead of the series premiere on April 30, 2023....