Lisa Rinna, known for her appearances on “Real Housewives,” is set to make an appearance in Season 3 of Ryan Murphy’s spinoff series, “American Horror Stories.”...
Melissa McBride's Potential Return to "The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon" Sparks Excitement.
Blumhouse, the renowned production company, has finalized a significant book deal for Clémence Michallon‘s thrilling debut novel, “The Quiet Tenant.” In an official press release issued...
AMC’s popular franchise, “The Walking Dead,” made a comeback with its new spinoff, “The Walking Dead: Dead City,” premiering last night. Alongside this exciting addition, fans...
Prime Video has released an exciting first look and premiere date for the highly-anticipated adaptation of Harlan Coben’s thrilling book series, “Harlan Coben’s Shelter.” The eight-episode...
Yesterday, Peacock made waves at #SummerGameFest by showcasing an extended clip from their highly anticipated “Twisted Metal” TV series. Building up the excitement, they have now...
“The Witcher” Season 3 is set to grace our screens in the summer of 2023, delivering an enthralling narrative across two volumes. Henry Cavill as Geralt...
True Crime Docuseries 'Psycho: The Lost Tapes of Ed Gein' Explores the Dark Mind of Notorious Killer on MGM+.
Master of horror John Carpenter, known for his iconic films, has taken a break from feature film directing since 2010’s “The Ward.” However, he has recently...
Disney+ to Remove R.L. Stine's "Just Beyond" and Several Other Titles in Streaming Service Cleanup.