There is a new Thai thriller that has just shaken up the charts on Netflix. Delete, has claimed the number four spot on the streaming giant’s platform...
Apple TV+ has revealed that the highly acclaimed sci-fi series ‘Invasion’, created by Simon Kinberg and David Weil, will return for its second season on Wednesday,...
The extended prequel to the Friday the 13th movie franchise aptly titled Crystal Lake has been a discussion within the horror community since October of 2022. It has been previously...
Kevin Bacon Returns to Horror with Blumhouse TV's "The Bondsman" for Prime Video.
Renowned author Stephen King recently took to Twitter to recommend the gripping horror series “FROM,” labeling it as “scary shit” and urging all horror fans to...
Netflix has officially announced the return of the highly acclaimed series “Squid Game” for its second season, along with the remaining cast members who will be...
Dan Trachtenberg, Director of 'Prey' and '10 Cloverfield Lane,' Joins 'Stranger Things 5' for an Episode.
The July 2023 lineup on Shudder is sure to satisfy the cravings and tastes of all horror fans. There will be plenty of juicy content coming to the platform in...
Without a doubt, “From” is an unparalleled streaming series, and I am honored to have the opportunity to bring it to your attention once more. Its...
Shudderâs âSlasherâ is a unique series for horror fans. Each season is a new story, and it is Friday the 13th meets Scream meets American Horror Story. A brutal murder mystery...