A fresh and daring academic adventure awaits this fall as Prime Video sets the premiere date for “Gen V,” the thrilling spinoff series from “The Boys”...
FX Reveals Title and Teaser Trailer for "American Horror Story: Delicate" – Kim Kardashian and Emma Roberts Lead the Main Cast.
HBO's "30 Coins" Season Two: A Hellish Invitation Unveiled in New Trailer and Poster.
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, the next spin-off of the popular zombie apocalypse series, is set to premiere on AMC and AMC+ on September 10th. A...
Production of the highly anticipated second season of AMC’s “Interview with the Vampire” TV series has come to a halt due to the ongoing Screen Actors...
Get ready for an unparalleled battle for survival this summer as Netflix presents “Zombieverse,” a revolutionary horror reality series set in the heart of Seoul, South...
Harlan Coben's Shelter, a new thriller series based on the bestselling author's Mickey Bolitar trilogy, will premiere on Prime Video on August 18.
Paul Wesley, who played Stefan Salvatore on The Vampire Diaries for eight seasons, has said that he would not be interested in returning to the show...
Twisted Metal, the upcoming Peacock Original series based on the popular video game franchise, is a wild and violent ride that puts the spotlight on the...
As “Stranger Things 5” approaches, signaling the potential finale of the beloved Netflix series, fans can find solace in the fact that the story will continue...