The next spinoff show from the world of The Walking Dead is AMC’s The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, and AMC has debuted two brand new official...
In addition to the new season, American Horror Story: Delicate, FX has also announced American Horror Stories: Four Episode Huluween Event for this Halloween season. FX tweets,...
American Horror Story 12 is officially titled American Horror Story: Delicate, and FX has announced this morning that “Part One” will premiere on September 20, 2023....
The next spinoff show from the world of The Walking Dead is AMC’s The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, and AMC has debuted a brand new teaser...
A Thirteen Ghosts television series just might be on its way. Patrick Mediate (Primordial Pictures) and Aaron McLane (SFX Supervisor, Fear the Walking Dead) have shared an exclusive...
The classic 1990s video game franchise, Twisted Metal, has been adapted into a television series that is ten 30-minute episodes. Season 1 is currently airing all...
Freshly leaked production images from the highly anticipated Amazon “Fallout” TV series have emerged online, creating excitement among fans. The pictures, reportedly taken in December, capture...
Twisted Metal is a live-action television series that is based on the popular PlayStation video game series from the 1990s, and it is making its way to...
The iconic Castlevania franchise is making its triumphant return to Netflix with the all-new animated series “Castlevania: Nocturne.” This time, the spotlight shifts to Richter Belmont,...
Netflix’s August 2023 lineup has been unveiled, bringing both exciting additions and some departures. Among the departures, it’s worth noting that all three seasons of the...