American Horror Stories, the spine-chilling spin-off of FX’s enduring horror anthology series, American Horror Story, has become a sensation with its previous two seasons. The inaugural...
Peacock’s “Wolf Like Me,” a wonderfully unique blend of romantic comedy and werewolf reports that Season 2 is set to premiere this Halloween! The charismatic duo...
HBO‘s “The Last of Us” series could potentially mark the genesis of a broader creative endeavor for the network. While the development of the second season...
“Gen V,” the anticipated spinoff series of “The Boys,” is set to embark on a different kind of schooling experience this Fall. The upcoming series, which...
Prime Video's "Fallout" TV Series Unveils Its Post-Apocalyptic Journey for 2024.
"Psycho: The Lost Tapes of Ed Gein" Delves into the Dark Mind of a Real-Life Killer.
Prepare for another spine-tingling Halloween season as Shudder gears up to unleash “Creepshow” Season 4. The streaming service has just announced that the highly anticipated new...
Get ready for the highly anticipated 12th installment of the critically acclaimed anthology series, “American Horror Story,” masterminded by the creative duo Ryan Murphy and Brad...
The SAG/AFTRA strike is wreaking havoc on the entertainment industry, but Chucky is here to save the day. Thanks to the strikes, actors and other entertainment folks aren’t...
From Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Television, Vice Studios, and Boardwalk Pictures (Pepsi, Where’s My Jet?) comes the docuseries Encounters, which is headed to Netflix soon. Deadline was the first to...