HBO's '30 Coins' Season 2 Trailer Teases Hellish Halloween Return.
Following the return of the Evil Dead franchise to theaters earlier this year with Evil Dead Rise, the beloved horror-comedy TV series “Ash vs. Evil Dead”...
Netflix’s immensely popular series, “Squid Game,” is expanding its universe with the upcoming reality competition spinoff series titled “Squid Game: The Challenge.” The show is set...
The original “Walking Dead” spinoff, “Fear the Walking Dead,” is set to conclude this year with the second half of Season 8, scheduled to premiere on...
Adapted from the tales of Edgar Allan Poe, Netflix’s upcoming series “The Fall of the House of Usher,” which is helmed by Mike Flanagan and serves...
The Netflix documentary 'The Devil on Trial' Explores the True Story Behind 'The Conjuring 3'.
In the wake of five movies, the Kate Beckinsale-led Underworld franchise announced a television series back in 2016, with Underworld director Len Wiseman on board the...
The horror comedy series “Shining Vale” made its debut on Starz in March 2022, and it was confirmed last month that the show’s second season is...
Prepare for a spine-tingling experience with this first look at Hulu’s eagerly awaited paranormal series, “Living For The Dead.” The series is set to make its...
Syfy delighted fans today by dropping an exciting full trailer for the highly anticipated third season of “Chucky,” set to make its return on October 4....