DreamWorks Animation is making this spooky season a delightful one for families. Following the release of “Fright Krewe” at the start of the month, their next...
Godzilla is set to make a roaring return in the upcoming Apple TV+ series “Monarch: Legacy of Monsters” from Legendary Television. This small screen expansion of...
Following the conclusion of its eleven-season run on AMC last year, “The Walking Dead” has ushered in an era of spin-off follow-ups. The first season of...
All six episodes of the fourth season of the anthology series “Creepshow,” a continuation of the franchise initiated by George A. Romero and Stephen King with...
AMC has confirmed that Melissa McBride will reprise her role as Carol Peletier in the upcoming season of ‘The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon,’ which has been...
The highly-anticipated second season of ‘Interview with the Vampire‘ is officially in the pipeline, and AMC has given fans a tantalizing glimpse at what’s to come...
"The Walking Dead Universe Expands with "The Ones Who Live" - February 2024 Premiere Announced
Over two years ago, the announcement was made that Krysten Ritter, known for her role as Jessica Jones, would not only be starring in but also...
The official trailer for the Showtime Original Series “The Curse” has just dropped, and it’s generating quite the buzz. Produced by A24 and featuring the talented...
Following its successful debut, “Castlevania: Nocturne” will return for a second season on Netflix. The series quickly climbed the ranks, reaching Netflix’s Top 10 English TV...