New Thriller Series Titled ‘Delete’ Is Dominating the Netflix Charts
There is a new Thai thriller that has just shaken up the charts on Netflix. Delete, has claimed the number four spot on the streaming giant’s platform and has broken the Internet with viewers calling it a “shocker.” The synopsis from Netflix reads as, “If a simple snap from a camera phone can make anyone you want to disappear, who in life would that be? Aim and Lily are in an extramarital affair with each other – both are in unhappy relationships with their respective partners. When the ‘Delete’ phone serendipitously falls into Lily’s possession, Aim and Lily decide to use its supernatural powers to “erase” their partners and start their lives over, together. If only things were that simple.”
Delete is directed by Parkpoom Wongpoom. It is written by Parkpoom Wongpoom, Tossaphon Riantong, and Jirassaya Wongsutin. The series stars Natara Nopparatayapon, Sarika Sartsilpsupa, Nat Kitcharit, Chutimon Chuengcharoensukying, Jinjett Wattanasin, and Charlette Wasita Hermenau.
Many viewers are comparing Delete to a different, yet successful series on Netflix, Black Mirror. Most are also finding it hard to stop watching Delete once they hit play, saying it is a “shocking and addictive show!” All eight episodes are currently streaming on Netflix.