“Chucky” Season 3 Part 2 Premieres on 4/10

Everyone’s favorite killer doll returns with “Chucky” Season 3: Part 2 on both USA and SYFY on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, at 10 PM Eastern/Pacific time. Check your local listings if you are out of the Eastern/Pacific time zones.
Season 3: Part 1 ended with a bombshell when it was revealed that Chucky is dying of old age, and that looks to be the central storyline at play in Part 2. How will Chucky overcome this one?!
All the major players are back for “Chucky” Season 3: Part 2, including Jennifer Tilly, Devon Sawa, Brad Dourif, and Fiona Dourif.
Unlike previous seasons of Don Mancini’s hit television series, new episodes of “Chucky” will be streaming the next day on Peacock.
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