A New Season of “Supernatural” May Be In the Works

Supernatural may be coming back! We all dreamed that this was going to happen, right? It looks like Sam and Dean may be getting back together again after all. And fans of the series couldn’t be more excited. Supernatural is a massively successful TV show that ran for 15 seasons before finally adding an ending to the series.
The series was meant to end after season five. But fans were so ravenous for more content that Supernatural went on to air for another ten years. The ending of season 15 was meant to be a real finality for the show. If you follow the rules of Supernatural then you know that death means absolutely nothing in this show.
After a whopping 327 episodes Jensen Ackles (My Bloody Valentine) and Jared Padalecki (House of Wax, Friday the 13th), went off to perform their own projects. Jenson had a successful run on The Boys while Jared has been playing cowboy on the successful show Walker. Recently the cast of Supernatural attended the Creation Honolulu convention to answer questions about the show for fans. When asked about what the cast thought might have happened to their characters after the finale Padaleckihad the following to say:
“I have some ideas, and I hope that now that the writers are back, and the actors are back, we all get together. Stay tuned for that. There are some conversations regarding that conversation that are being had.”
This isn’t the first time this subject has been brought up to the showrunners. Back in May, Padalecki had an interview with TV Insider where he discussed how he would like to attempt a new season of the show. “I feel like if we had done 13-episode seasons of Supernatural, we’d probably still be doing Supernatural right now. I think a shortened season would just be a really strong, action-packed, story-packed season where we don’t have to do an episode like ‘Bugs.'”