A little more than a year after the series reached a conclusion, a powerful prequel series named “The Winchesters is underway” A pilot episode is now...
General Pictures has enrolled Nicolas Cage to play Count Dracula in the impending component film Renfield, in light of a unique pitch from “The Walking Dead”...
The fifth installment, released last month, has earned more than $100 million globally.
AMC recently gave the green light to the “Tales of the Walking Dead” spinoff anthology series, which is of course going to be set within the...
Chicago-based director Jennifer Reeder is back with Night’s End, her next horror offering that will stream on Shudder this coming March 31st. We also have an...
GoreCulture has the exclusive trailer drop for Hell Is Empty, a brand new thriller from 1091 Pictures and director Jo Shaffer. In the film… “A self-styled...