The prequel to ‘Supernatural’, one of TV’s longest-running shows, is coming back on Tuesday, October 11, and the season trailer has just been released today. (check...
The true story behind Ryan Murphy’s serial killer series on Netflix. One of America’s most notorious murderers is being played by Evan Peters. What were...
Max Seeck and Joonas Pajunen’s debut feature film is coming early in 2023 and is titled ‘The Knocking’. The film is set to premiere domestically in...
Among The Living is a new horror film directed by Rob Worsey that is set during a zombie epidemic. Check out the official trailer up here!...
‘Smile’, the debut feature from writer/director Parker Finn will enter Fantastic Fest 2022 and will be in theatres on September 30. Check out the new poster,...
Yes sir. David Bruckner is ready for battle. After Southbound, The Night House and The Signal scores this new take on the famous horror franchise ‘Hellraiser’....
Evan Peters from American Horror Story will play the killer Jeffrey Dahmer in this upcoming Netflix TV series by Ryan Murphy. “Dahmer” comes to Netflix on...
In ‘Spin The Bottle’, a new supernatural horror with Justin Long, a party game turns into nightmare, Deadline reports. Ali Larter (The Rookie), Tanner Stine (Impulse)...
Mr. Harrigan’s Phone is an adaptation of one of the short stories contained inside Stephen King ‘If it Bleeds’ four-novella collection (2020). The film will be...
Yes you read it right! The 2008 home invasion horror ‘The Strangers’ that movie that scared you so badly, it’s about to come back again with...