Prime Video’s new series ‘Swarm’, from Janine Nabers and Donald Glover, follows (Dominique Fishback), a young woman whose obsession with a pop star takes a dark...
Scream VI tickets are now available for the film’s release on March 10, 2023, and today we show you this new incredible poster that promotes the...
Neil Jordan (The Company of Wolves, The Crying Game, Interview with the Vampire) will direct a new movie starring Liam Neeson titled The Riker’s Ghost, a...
Jeff A. Brown director of The Beach House (The Beach House) is reteaming with Shudder to bring to life the new horror film titled The Unheard....
The TV Series Wreck is created and written by Ryan J. Brown and premiered last year in the UK on BBC Three. Season One of “Wreck”...
Filming has begun in a new horror film on a monstrous creature titled Daddy’s Head. The film is brought by writer-director Benjamin Barfoot (Double Date). Deadline...
Check out the exclusive teaser trailer up here! Here’s a first look at psychological horror The Portrait with Natalia Cordova-Buckley (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Ryan Kwanten (True...
After last year’s Hellbender on Shudder, the team is back with the film Where the Devil Roams. Yellow Veil Pictures has boarded international sales on the...
Tobin Bell, star of the SAW franchise joins Scott Hamm Duenas (Evil at the Door, “General Hospital”) in Rebroken, premiering On Digital Platforms on March 7...
Spiral director Kurtis David Harder is back with a new movie titled Influencer, and Shudder has acquired the film for multiple territories. The film Influencer will...