Sony Pictures is continuing the plot with a brand-new sequel after successfully relaunching the franchise in 2021 with Ghostbusters: Afterlife and Gil Kenan (Monster House, Poltergeist)...
Universal Studios will release Jordan Peele’s fourth film at the end of next year. We do not yet know the title or the narrative. On December...
The sci-fi epic Colonials, directed by Andrew Balek and Joe Bland, has been distributed in North America as well as granted foreign sales rights to Australia,...
Sadly, it has been announced that actor Lance Reddick, who was a mainstay of the John Wick series from the start, has died at the age...
In Lionsgate’s Fall, a heart-pounding drama of survival from the makers of 47 Meters Down, released in August 2022, fear reached new heights. According to a...
The director of a mysterious new genre film for Bad Robot and Warner Bros., David Robert Mitchell (It Follows), is apparently based in the 1980s, as...
Daisy Edgar-Jones (Hulu’s Fresh) will star in the upcoming big-screen sequel to the 1996 action-adventure film Twister, according to a Deadline story today. Movie director Lee...
On February 3, Universal’s Knock at the Cabin, the most recent thriller from M. Night Shyamalan, was released in cinemas. Today, we learned that Peacock will...
Eli Roth is already celebrating Thanksgiving this month, and it’s just March. Sony announced today on social media that production on the slasher had begun. TriStar...
The action thriller Hypnotic is the next movie directed by Robert Rodriguez, and according to a report from Deadline today, it will hit theaters in May...