Beloved actor James McCaffrey, recognized by video game enthusiasts as the iconic voice of Max Payne in the Max Payne series, has sadly passed away at...
Renowned actor Andre Braugher, a double Primetime Emmy winner known for his remarkable presence in both the Stephen King Universe and across diverse television and film...
A24, renowned for its blend of horror and arthouse dramas, has inked a Pay 1 output streaming agreement with Warner Bros. Discovery. This collaboration signifies that...
Stephen King’s “Dollar Baby” initiative, which allowed filmmakers to adapt his short stories for the nominal fee of $1, has reached its end after over four...
The revamped and ultra-successful Scream franchise may be dead. Over the long Thanksgiving weekend, actresses Melissa Barrera and Jenna Ortega reportedly left Scream 7 — one fired and one on her...
From everyone here at GoreCulture, we would like to wish those who celebrate a very Happy Thanksgiving!
A revered figure in the world of movie poster art, Roger Kastel, known for crafting the iconic poster for Steven Spielberg’s ‘Jaws’ and equally memorable artwork...
Netflix launches “Stranger Things Day” with an exclusive sneak peek of “Stranger Things: The First Shadow,” an upcoming live stage play set to hit London later...
Nicely Entertainment, based in Los Angeles, is expanding its portfolio beyond female-driven romance by introducing Darkly Entertainment, a label dedicated to thrillers and genre content. The...
Usually it’s taboo to call a baby creepy, but Sofia Coppola (Priscilla, The Bling Ring) went there when she discussed how she turned down the opportunity...