Two things are really shaking up Hollywood these days: labor unions and Taylor Swift. Thursday morning Swift announced that she was entering the fall movie season by releasing a nearly three-hour...
Acclaimed filmmaker Mark Pellington (The Mothman Prophecies, Arlington Road) is set to direct the action-thriller MOM for Roundtable Entertainment. The film follows a single mother who...
This Halloween season, Universal and Blumhouse are set to bring the iconic horror game “Five Nights at Freddy’s” to the big screen for the very first...
Arriving in theaters on September 29th, the tenth installment of the Saw franchise, “Saw X,” marks a significant milestone as it commemorates its 20th anniversary with...
Set to premiere at the London Film Festival in October is “Starve Acre,” a hauntingly captivating creation by director Daniel Kokotajlo. This upcoming film is being...
This Halloween season brings forth a highly anticipated theatrical release, none other than “The Exorcist: Believer,” a fresh “legacy sequel” to the original horror masterpiece helmed...
Joblo reports today that the full trailer for ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears: Death and Porridge’, has just been released and that you can watch it...
Paco Plaza, known for co-directing the acclaimed “[REC]” series, is bringing us a prequel to his chilling film “Veronica” titled “Sister Death” (also known as “Hermana...
Yorgos Lanthimos, known for his distinctive films such as “The Killing of a Sacred Deer” and “Dogtooth,” is making a return to the big screen with...
The upcoming release of “Saw X” has fans of the franchise eagerly awaiting its arrival on the big screen. This new installment is set to bridge...