Following the chilling tales of “13 Cameras” and “14 Cameras,” Gravitas Ventures is set to unveil the third installment in the trilogy, “15 Cameras.” Horror enthusiasts...
Prepare for an uproarious blend of horror and comedy this Halloween season as “Totally Killer” makes its way to audiences, courtesy of Blumhouse and Amazon Studios....
The upcoming horror film “The Funeral,” directed by Turkish filmmaker Orçun Behram (known for “The Antenna”), has just unveiled its first glimpse, promising an intriguing cinematic...
A follow-up to this year’s chilling Winnie the Pooh slasher flick, “Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey 2,” is currently in production and eagerly anticipated. IGN...
Coming soon from the acclaimed horror production company DREAD is the highly anticipated release of “The Jester,” a spine-chilling horror film set to hit limited theaters...
The Saw franchise has been a longstanding fixture during Halloween seasons, delivering new and gruesome entries for years. After Chris Rock’s spin-off, “Spiral: From the Book...
Yorgos Lanthimos‘ latest cinematic creation, “Poor Things,” has claimed the prestigious Golden Lion prize at the 80th Venice Film Festival, marking a significant achievement in the...
Millennium Media recently wrapped production on the highly anticipated live-action film, “Hellboy: The Crooked Man.” In a recent update reported by Deadline, Ketchup Entertainment, known for...
The SAG-AFTRA strike had put a temporary halt to the production of “Beetlejuice 2” earlier this summer, but director Tim Burton recently provided an update in...
After embarking on an extensive journey through film festivals worldwide, the gripping found footage feature, “Malibu Horror Story,” is set to make its theatrical debut in...