Prepare for the return of the legendary Godzilla in Toho’s latest offering, “Godzilla Minus One,” marking the first Japanese-produced Godzilla film since the release of “Shin...
Darren Lynn Bousman, known for his work on films like Saw II-IV and Spiral, has returned with his latest horror movie, “Cello,” which had its World...
Freestyle Digital Media Secures North American Theatrical Rights for Mongolian Horror Film ‘Aberrance‘ Freestyle Digital Media has made an exciting acquisition by obtaining the North American...
In Shudder’s upcoming film, dreams and ambitions take a terrifying turn as a mythical demon haunts the life of one woman. The streaming service has just...
The Brooklyn Horror Film Festival has unveiled its impressive and extensive lineup for its 2023 edition, set to take place from October 12th to 19th. All...
After much anticipation, Norman Partridge’s novel “Dark Harvest” is making its way to the big screen, with director David Slade at the helm. The newly released...
As we eagerly await the release of “Saw X” in theaters on September 29, Lionsgate has gifted fans with a side-splitting piece of marketing that is...
Director Gareth Edwards, known for his work on “Rogue One” and “Godzilla,” is gearing up for the release of his highly anticipated epic sci-fi action thriller,...
The official tagline for Disney+‘s brand new “Goosebumps” series promises it will be “scarier than you remember,” and that chilling anticipation is prominently featured on the...
Prepare for a spine-tingling prequel to the hit movie “Veronica,” directed by Paco Plaza, co-director of the renowned “[REC]” series. The prequel, titled “Sister Death” (also...