A sneak peek image from “The Seeding,” an upcoming horror film recently acquired for distribution in the United States by Magnet Releasing, has been revealed, according...
Amber Heard, known for her role in “All the Boys Love Mandy Lane,” makes a chilling return to the horror genre in director Conor Allyn’s “In...
Skydance is embarking on a thrilling journey to the enigmatic Bermuda Triangle with their upcoming adventure thriller titled “Bermuda.” The latest development in this project sees...
Each narrative has its inception, and the popular found footage franchise, Hell House LLC, is no exception. The eagerly awaited fourth installment in writer/director Stephen Cognetti‘s...
Coming to Hulu this week is the heart-pounding alien invasion horror film “No One Will Save You,” and 20th Century Studios has unveiled a striking new...
As you eagerly anticipate the arrival of “Chucky” Season 3, SYFY has something special in store to prepare you for the return of this iconic horror...
Hiroshi Shinagawa, the multi-talented Japanese comedian, director, screenwriter, and one-half of the comedy duo “Shinagawa Shoji,” is set to direct the zombie mockumentary feature “Among the...
Kevin Williamson, known for his work on iconic slasher films like “Scream” and “I Know What You Did Last Summer,” made a return to the slasher...
Following the success of Roar Uthaug’s Norwegian monster movie “Troll,” which premiered on Netflix in December of last year, a sequel is officially in the works....
Adapted from H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Thing On The Doorstep,” Joe Lynch, known for films like “Wrong Turn 2,” “Mayhem,” and “Creepshow,” wowed audiences with his new...