Kevin Greutert’s “Saw X” is bringing Jigsaw back to the big screen on September 29, offering a sequel to the original “Saw” movie that promises an...
Demián Rugna, the filmmaker who sent shivers down audiences’ spines with “Terrified” in 2017, is back with a bone-chilling new horror movie titled “When Evil Lurks.”...
Bishal Dutta’s upcoming horror film, “It Lives Inside,” is set to hit theaters on September 22nd, courtesy of NEON, and today, we have a new poster...
Steven Spielberg’s journey to becoming a director of feature films was marked by his early work in short films and episodes of TV shows such as...
'Doug Bradley Returns to Battle Demons in "The Exorcists" - Exclusive Trailer Debut'.
AMC Networks has announced a monster-sized return of AMC’s “FearFest,” its long-running horror and genre programming event, with over 700 hours of films, series, and specials to be...
Project Paranoia explores depression & friendship while uncovering internal demons in the aftermath of the COVID Pandemic.
On September 29, the return of Jigsaw in “Saw X,” a sequel to James Wan’s iconic original “Saw” movie, will take place just weeks after the...
Just a mere two weeks away from its theatrical release, “The Exorcist: Believer,” a legacy sequel to the iconic original, has unveiled a brand new featurette...
Legendary Entertainment is breathing new life into “The Toxic Avenger,” and Entertainment Weekly is giving fans an exclusive sneak peek with a gallery of first-look images....