The Adams Family, known for their films like “The Deeper You Dig” and “Hellbender,” is back with their latest creation, “Where the Devil Roams.” This new...
Now showing in theaters nationwide, Saw X, the latest installment from Lionsgate and Twisted Pictures, marks the return of Jigsaw to the big screen. The film...
Legendary Entertainment is resurrecting “The Toxic Avenger” in an R-rated remake directed by Macon Blair (known for “I Don’t Feel At Home in This World Anymore”...
Max is going all out to embrace the Halloween season, offering a spectacular “House of Halloween” interactive spotlight page that is now live. This unique experience...
Iconic characters John “Jigsaw” Kramer, portrayed by Tobin Bell, and Amanda Young, played by Shawnee Smith, are making a thrilling comeback in the highly anticipated milestone...
Brace yourselves for the impending shark attack horror movie titled “Deep Fear.” Gravitas Ventures has just secured the rights for the film’s distribution in the United...
Exciting news is on the horizon as Samara Weaving, known for her roles in “Ready or Not” and “Scream VI,” takes the lead in the upcoming...
Netflix has assembled an extraordinary ensemble cast for its upcoming apocalypse thriller, “Leave the World Behind,” directed by the creator of “Mr. Robot,” Sam Esmail. Vanity...
Earlier this year, acclaimed director M. Night Shyamalan embarked on the production of “Trap,” a psychological thriller intriguingly “set at a concert,” slated for release by...
Anna Zlokovic’s directorial debut, the body horror film “Appendage,” had its world premiere at the SXSW Film Festival earlier this year. Now, it’s gearing up for...