A convenience store becomes the backdrop for a high-stakes hostage situation on Christmas Eve in “Your Lucky Day,” the feature debut of writer/director/producer Dan Brown. Angus...
After a two-decade hiatus, “The Exorcist: Believer” has returned to theaters, marking the start of a planned trilogy of legacy sequels from Universal, Blumhouse, and Morgan...
Earlier this year, New Line Cinema secured the rights to a short horror story titled “The Occupant.” Now, Blair Butler, known for her work on films...
Arriving in theaters on October 6 and available on Digital starting October 10, the upcoming film “Mercy Road” promises to be a tense psychological thriller. The...
Atomic Monster and Blumhouse have joined forces once more, this time in collaboration with Universal Pictures, to bring you the spine-tingling supernatural thriller, ‘Night Swim.’ The...
Loch Ness Monster-themed horror movies are a rarity, making the upcoming release of “The Loch Ness Horror” an intriguing addition to the genre. Set to arrive...
The V/H/S franchise is back with a terrifying twist that’s sure to keep fans on the edge of their seats. The latest entry, titled “V/H/S/85,” is...
Since 2016, Colin Krawchuk has been tantalizing horror fans with glimpses of his malevolent creation, the Jester. Through a series of short films featuring this masked...
The Christmas slasher film, “It’s a Wonderful Knife,” hails from the talented pen of writer Michael Kennedy (“Freaky”) and is directed by Tyler MacIntyre (“Tragedy Girls”)....
Director Renny Harlin (Deep Blue Sea, Exorcist: The Beginning, Cliffhanger) has been a busy man. He is rebooting The Strangers franchise with a trilogy that he has already completed according to Entertainment...