The forthcoming slasher film, “It’s a Wonderful Knife,” brings a unique blend of “Scream” and “It’s a Wonderful Life” to the horror genre, and ahead of...
After a lengthy hiatus, the first Japanese-produced Godzilla film since 2016’s “Shin Godzilla” is gearing up for release. Toho’s “Godzilla Minus One” is set to make...
Alice Maio Mackay, renowned for her directorial work on films like “So Vam” and “Bad Girl Boogey,” is making a return with her latest creation, “T-Blockers.”...
NEON has unleashed the much-anticipated trailer for “Eileen,” described as a “wild Hitchcockian noir.” The film, featuring Anne Hathaway and Thomasin McKenzie, known for her role...
Buffalo 8 is thrilled to announce the North American VOD release of ‘Screwdriver,’ the first full-length feature from writer-director Cairo Smith. AnnaClaire Hicks takes the lead...
SpectreVision, the production company known for horror gems like “Mandy” and “Daniel Isn’t Real,” has joined forces with Pluto TV, a streaming platform, to bring viewers...
In Jason Miller‘s inaugural directorial venture, “Ghosts of the Void,” a chilling exploration of the American Dream’s fragility takes center stage. A newly released trailer delves...
The tenth installment in the iconic franchise, Saw X, has proven to be a box office sensation, raking in over $70 million in earnings. Exciting news...
Womp Stomp Films Unleashes "Never Hike Alone 2," the Much-Anticipated Fan Film Sequel.
The Nightmare Before Christmas is an all-timer. Fans still still watch this on Halloween and on Christmas. It perfectly fits both holidays. The director, Henry Selick combined...