Wild Eye Releasing is delivering a chilling gift this holiday season with a fresh addition to the indie horror genre, “Nightmare on 34th Street.” This unsettling...
Production has successfully concluded on the horror film “Svalta,” a collaboration between XYZ Films, Wayward Entertainment, and Resolute Films. This thrilling movie stars Nick Frost (known...
In the highly-anticipated slasher sequel, “Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey 2,” the beloved bear with a sweet tooth will be making a terrifying transformation with...
Film Bridge International is gearing up for the American Film Market with their latest supernatural horror offering, “Killing Faith.” The movie boasts an impressive ensemble cast....
Toho’s eagerly awaited release, “Godzilla Minus One,” is set to storm theaters in the United States in just one short month, with its official release date...
Abigail Schaaff, a filmmaker based in Barcelona, is taking the reins of the upcoming film titled “The Monster of Many Noses,” and Variety is offering an...
Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Notice the terror around youâŠNo, this isnât a meditation from Headspace, this is the visualization strategy used in the...
Itâs human nature to deflect criticism, but Nicolas Cage is leaning into it in response to negative reception of his âSupermanâ cameo in Warner Brothersâ The...
Fresh off last nightâs theatrical re-release of Terrifier 2, which featured a first-look sneak peek at the upcoming Terrifier 3 from returning director Damien Leone, Cineverse and Bloody Disgusting are...
The horror film landscape is set to welcome a new entrant, as Late Night With the Devil gets ready for its North American, U.K., and Ireland...