Since its debut on September 29, Saw X, a sequel to the original classic, has been captivating audiences in theaters, only recently slipping out of the...
Two years after Leigh Janiak’s ambitious trilogy, Netflix is returning to R.L. Stine’s Fear Street universe with a new standalone movie, as reported by Collider. This...
Tom Hardy is set to reprise his role as Venom in Sony’s upcoming installment, Venom 3, and recent updates indicate a slight delay in its release...
Fresh off her success in last year’s Hulu hit “Prey,” Amber Midthunder is set to take the lead in the upcoming A24 horror movie titled “Opus,”...
When it comes to the horror genre, the woods always hide something ominous. A fresh trailer for the New Zealand psychological thriller “Loop Track” suggests that...
Following a successful festival run, which commenced with its 2023 SXSW Grand Jury Award win, writer/director Paris Zarcilla’s inaugural feature film, “Raging Grace,” is gearing up...
Atomic Monster and Blumhouse have joined forces with Universal Pictures to bring you the spine-chilling supernatural thriller “Night Swim,” recently earning an official PG-13 rating from...
Lionsgate and Blumhouse have recently given us a glimpse of their upcoming horror film, “Imaginary,” by attaching its trailer to the movie “Five Nights at Freddy’s.”...
Next on the directorial horizon of Elza Kephart (known for “Slaxx”) is the upcoming horror film “Bjorn of the Dead.” The big news, as reported by...
Thanksgiving is a time for feasts, family, fun, and to give thanks for all that you have. It is also time to be festive for some gory...