Darren Lynn Bousman, known for his work on films like ‘Saw II-IV’ and ‘Spiral,’ returns with a chilling new horror movie titled ‘The Cello,’ which premiered...
Reports from Variety magazine’s latest digital issue indicate Melissa Barrera, known for her roles in ‘Scream’ and ‘Scream VI,’ won’t be reprising her role in the...
Five Nights at Freddy’s holds the esteem of being the highest-grossing horror of 2023, beating Saw X’s Jigsaw at his own game. Well, perhaps not at...
Lionsgate is set to continue the horror-comedy success story of The Blackening, with an exclusive announcement from Variety this afternoon confirming the sequel’s development. Variety reports,...
Michael Dougherty, known for the holiday horror hit “Krampus” from 2015, left an indelible mark on Christmas terror much like he did with “Trick ‘r Treat.”...
RLJE Films and Shudder’s festive slasher, It’s a Wonderful Knife, made a limited theatrical debut earlier this month, raking in close to $1 million at the...
One of the most eagerly anticipated horror films of the upcoming year is Robert Eggers’ remake of Nosferatu, a project eagerly awaited by fans of his...
Sixteen years after its trailer debuted as part of the Grindhouse theatrical experience, Eli Roth’s slasher film “Thanksgiving” made its long-awaited entry into theaters last weekend....
Today, 20th Century Studios unveiled a sneak peek of its upcoming psychological thriller, ‘The First Omen.’ Scheduled for an exclusive theatrical release nationwide on April 5,...
Hollywood has set its sights on remaking Wes Craven’s lesser-known gem, ‘The People Under the Stairs’, in a move reported by Deadline. The script for this...