The production house known for hits like “Terrifier 2” and the eagerly awaited “Terrifier 3,” The Coven, has completed filming their inaugural project, “Shadow of God,”...
In addition to the lineup of unofficial Mickey Mouse horror movies in development, last year’s unnerving “Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey” is set to return...
An upcoming indie film, “Bunker Heights,” currently in post-production, has gathered a roster of familiar faces from the indie horror scene. Described as a genre-bending farce,...
Fifty years after the iconic horror film “Jaws” first graced screens, Richard Dreyfuss is poised to navigate treacherous waters once again in the upcoming thriller “Into...
Shudder’s horror host, Joe Bob Briggs, once claimed, “People ask me, where are all the great exploitation movies today? The low-budget horror films? They’re on the...
Shudder has secured the rights to showcase the acclaimed Italian filmmaker Dario Argento in “Dario Argento Panico,” a retrospective documentary. The release of a new trailer...
Nearly a year after its initial announcement, the deal has finally been sealed. Jason Blum took to Twitter to declare, “Blumhouse and Atomic Monster have officially...
A chilling twist awaits in the BET+ original thriller “One Night Stay,” set to premiere on BET’s streaming service this Thursday, January 4, turning a casual...
Experience the genesis of darkness with the upcoming release of “The First Omen,” a new installment from 20th Century Studios that unveils the chilling origins of...
Jordan Peele emerged onto the cinematic scene in 2017 with the groundbreaking success of “Get Out,” earning critical acclaim, substantial box office numbers, and an impressive...