The status of Scream 7 remains shrouded in uncertainty as original plans for the franchise’s next installment appear to have been abandoned. Major changes include Melissa...
Blumhouse and Universal are bringing the spine-chilling Danish horror film, “Speak No Evil,” to the U.S. with a remake, and there’s a new release date announced...
Late last night, The Hollywood Reporter revealed that Ryan Coogler, the director of Creed, and star Michael B. Jordan are joining forces once again for an...
Blue Finch Films has secured the global rights for the upcoming horror film “Mom,” as reported by Variety. The outlet also provided an exclusive first look...
Celebrating its upcoming 10th anniversary, Supermassive’s popular video game “Until Dawn” is set to make its mark on the big screen, according to The Hollywood Reporter....
The filmmaking trio Radio Silence (Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett, Chad Villella) is set to make a mark in the horror genre once again with their upcoming...
Highlighted among the exciting horror films at this year’s Sundance Film Festival is “Krazy House,” a movie set to subvert the traditional ’90s sitcom with a...
Real-life serial killer John Wayne Gacy has been the focus of various horror films throughout the years, portrayed by Brian Dennehy in “To Catch a Killer”...
Filmmaker Kiah Roache-Turner is set to terrify audiences with the upcoming release of “Sting,” a horror movie infested with spiders and featuring practical effects, including a...
Adam Sandler teams up with a spider alien, voiced by Paul Dano, in Netflix’s upcoming original science fiction drama, “Spaceman,” directed by Johan Renck of “Chernobyl”...