AMC Theatres is set to embrace the romantic spirit of Valentine’s Day with a special collaboration with A24. The partnership introduces a unique event named A24...
Renowned author Gillian Flynn, best known for “Gone Girl,” is set to bring her 2009 novel, “Dark Places,” to the small screen as an HBO limited...
The supernatural horror film “Queen of Bones” secured a distribution deal this week, as Falling Forward Films acquired the rights for its release, according to Deadline....
Following the tremendous success of the original thriller “Single Black Female” in 2022, Lifetime is gearing up for the release of its highly anticipated sequel, “Single...
At this year’s Sundance, one of the most buzzed-about horror films was “In a Violent Nature,” a distinctive arthouse slasher that provides a chilling perspective by...
NEON‘s enigmatic promotional campaign for the upcoming “Longlegs” stands out as the most compelling horror movie marketing of 2024 so far, and this week, the anticipation...
Teresa Sutherland, known for her work on “The Wind” and “Midnight Mass,” marks her directorial debut with “Lovely, Dark, and Deep,” a cosmic horror film set...
In the forthcoming horror film “Tarot,” a group of friends inadvertently unleashes an unimaginable evil when they disregard the cardinal rule of Tarot readings – never...
Excitement is rippling through the horror community as reports suggest that the acclaimed filmmaking duo, Joel and Ethan Coen, known for their works such as Fargo,...
Jennifer Nettles, known for her role in The Exorcist: Believer, has secured a spot in Blumhouse TV’s upcoming action horror series, “The Bondsman,” set to stream...