Screen Daily has reported the completion of production for the psychological horror film “I Live Here Now,” with Utopia gearing up for a global sales launch...
The much-anticipated sequel to Tim Burton’s iconic film is on the horizon, and the official poster has finally been unveiled, revealing that the upcoming installment is...
Prepare to meet “Mommy Meanest,” a new thriller coming to Lifetime later this year, starring Lisa Rinna from “American Horror Stories” alongside her daughter Delilah Hamlin,...
Nearly twenty-four months ago, Netflix secured the rights to the possession horror film “The Deliverance” from Oscar-nominated director Lee Daniels, known for acclaimed works such as...
The creative duo behind the slasher-comedy “Freaky” is joining forces once again for an exciting venture into a new genre with the upcoming time-traveling slasher film,...
Earlier this month, the exciting news broke that Danny Boyle and Alex Garland are teaming up for the highly anticipated sequel to “28 Days Later” and...
The slasher film “Thanksgiving,” directed by Eli Roth, has recently become available on DVD and Blu-ray, and the excitement doesn’t end there for fans. A sequel,...
The enticing new trailer and poster for “Amelia’s Children” unveiled today reveal that family may not be as idyllic as it seems in this supernatural horror...
The 1991 cult classic black comedy “Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead” has been in the talks for a modern-day remake since 2020, with Deadline initially...
Level 33 Entertainment has revealed the imminent launch of “Cold Meat,” described as a “serial killer survival thriller with a killer hook set during a dangerous...