The late Julian Sands, renowned for his role in “Warlock,” graces the screen in one of his final performances in the upcoming horror film, “The Piper.”...
Set to hit theaters on April 26, 2024, “Cinderella’s Revenge” has been eagerly anticipated, and Entertainment Weekly has just unveiled the official trailer along with some...
Gravitas Ventures’ newest offering, “Cellphone,” delves into the unsettling and perilous side of technology, particularly our ubiquitous companion, the cellphone. An exclusive clip teases the eerie...
Yorgos Lanthimos’ acclaimed film “Poor Things,” which has garnered eleven Oscar nominations including Best Motion Picture of the Year, is set to hit home screens in...
The Conjuring Universe, known for its spine-chilling tales, is gearing up for another thrilling addition with “The Conjuring 4,” as reported by THR tonight. Michael Chaves,...
According to Deadline’s latest report, “Game of Thrones” alumni Sophie Turner and Kit Harington are confirmed to headline the cast of an upcoming gothic horror feature...
Universal had previously slated July 2, 2025, as the release date for the next chapter in the beloved Jurassic Park / Jurassic World saga. However, the...
Aisling Franciosi, known for her roles in “The Nightingale” and “Last Voyage of the Demeter,” takes the lead in the upcoming horror flick “Stopmotion,” and we’ve...
Horror aficionados with a taste for films like Vacancy and Motel Hell are in for a treat with the upcoming release of “Night Shift,” distributed by...
Dark Star Pictures has announced its acquisition of the quirky genre-bending comedy, “The Becomers,” which delves into the escapades of body-snatching aliens navigating love in contemporary...