A24 has released the second trailer for Alex Garland’s highly anticipated film “Civil War,” promising a gripping experience. Set to hit theaters and IMAX screens on...
Stephen King has once again taken to Twitter to express his frustration over the delayed release of the highly anticipated adaptation of his novel Salem’s Lot....
In 2020, it was announced that Ari Aster, known for his work on “Hereditary” and “Midsommar,” would produce an English-language remake of the eccentric South Korean...
Reimagining beloved characters from classic tales in a horror setting has become a popular trend as iconic figures enter the public domain. The latest addition to...
The Norwegian legend of the Kraken is set to come alive on the big screen in the upcoming monster movie titled “Kraken,” with early sales art...
The legend of Count Dracula has been a timeless staple in cinema, with various interpretations gracing the screen over the years, ranging from Bela Lugosi’s iconic...
Larry Fessenden, known for his works like “Habit” and “Depraved,” returns with his latest horror offering, “Blackout,” featuring a werewolf tale that promises to grip audiences....
The anticipation for the upcoming horror film “Cuckoo,” directed by Tilman Singer and distributed by NEON, has been shrouded in mystery, with only tantalizing hints about...
Indie filmmaker Mickey Keating, known for works like “Darling,” “Ritual,” and “Carnage Park,” returns with a chilling new home invasion horror film titled “Invader” in 2024....
Producer Brad Fuller, known for his work on “A Quiet Place,” brings forth the sci-fi thriller “The Astronaut,” with a tantalizing first look image featuring star...