In an adrenaline-fueled thriller set in a dystopian future, Jennifer Hudson and Milla Jovovich headline the cast of “Breathe,” with the official trailer making its debut...
As fans eagerly await the continuation of Art and Sienna’s chilling escapades in “Terrifier 3,” actress Lauren LaVera gears up for her next venture in Joe...
Renowned horror filmmaker Joe Dante, celebrated for his iconic works such as “Gremlins” and “The ‘Burbs,” is making a triumphant return to the director’s chair with...
Neve Campbell thrilled fans with a major announcement this afternoon, confirming her return as Sidney Prescott in the upcoming Spyglass sequel, “Scream 7.” Adding to the...
The internet stirred with fervor at the release of the initial images featuring Bill Skarsgård (known for his role in “IT”) as Eric Draven in Lionsgate’s...
Akela Cooper, known for her work on projects like “Malignant” and “The Nun 2,” has been tapped to adapt the screenplay for an upcoming Universal horror...
M. Night Shyamalan has inked a multi-year first-look directing and producing deal with Warner Bros., with his enigmatic psychological thriller titled “Trap” set to kick off...
Sony and Picturestart have acquired the spec script for an intense survival horror film titled “Yeti,” written by Peter Gaffney, known for “Don’t Go into the...
In addition to Ishana Night Shyamalan’s anticipated project “The Watchers,” Dakota Fanning is set to collaborate with director Bryan Bertino (“The Strangers,” “The Dark and the...
The iconic horror series, The Omen, makes a chilling return to cinemas with the release of 20th Century Studios’ movie, The First Omen. Total Film Magazine...