Director Maggie Gyllenhaal is set to revive the iconic Bride of Frankenstein in the upcoming feature film “The Bride!” and we’re excited to share two exclusive...
Ryan Coogler and Michael B. Jordan, the dynamic duo behind the hit film “Creed,” are teaming up once again for an intriguing project that was initially...
The latest installment in the Poohniverse series, “Bambi: The Reckoning,” takes a dark turn, as revealed in its newly released trailer. This time around, the story...
The iconic world of ‘The Matrix‘ is set to expand once more, but this time, it will journey forth without the guiding hands of Lana or...
While the original classic The Mummy just celebrated its 90th anniversary, the blockbuster hit remake from the late 1990s is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2024. Universal Pictures announced...
The slasher-themed relaunch of âPretty Little Liarsâ continues this year with a brand new season âPretty Little Liars: Summer School,â and weâve got a premiere date...
Lionsgate is shaking up its release slate, with two genre releases affected. While The Crow reboot gets a small delay, donât expect sequel Saw XI to arrive this Halloween season. Rupert...
72, an indie film from production company Gravestone Films, is bringing the scare factor to your screens soon. It is having reality meet fiction when it seems...
The legacy of The Strangers franchise owes much to Bryan Bertino, the visionary director behind the original home invasion thriller that not only spawned a sequel...
Two years ago, director David Bruckner unveiled a fresh take on Clive Barker’s iconic horror saga with “Hellraiser,” a direct-to-Hulu film. Starring Jamie Clayton as a...