Director Christophe Gans, known for his work on the Silent Hill movie, is returning to the franchise with “Return to Silent Hill,” a brand-new film adaptation...
Director Alexandre Aja’s latest cinematic venture, originally known as “Mother Land” when announced last year, has undergone a title change and is now officially dubbed “Never...
Prior to its world premiere at Fantasia later this summer, the latest cinematic offering from The Adams Family (known for their previous works “Hellbender” and “Where...
In an exciting development, it’s been revealed that the forthcoming werewolf saga “Wolfland” will mark the collaboration between director Sean Brosnan and his acclaimed father, Pierce...
Warner Bros. has just announced the theatrical release date for the highly anticipated horror film “Weapons,” directed by Zach Cregger of “Barbarian” fame. Mark your calendars,...
Renowned French filmmaker Julia Ducournau has solidified her status as a genre luminary with her initial two cinematic endeavors—first, the chilling exploration of cannibalism in “Raw”...
Director Ishana Night Shyamalan invites audiences on a spine-chilling journey with the upcoming horror film “The Watchers,” and today, New Line Cinema unveils a haunting new...
Danny Boyle and Alex Garland, the dynamic duo behind the cult classic “28 Days Later,” are gearing up for a long-awaited reunion with the launch of...
Monkeypaw Productions’ upcoming horror film, previously known as “Goat,” has undergone a title change and will now be released as “Him.” Set to hit theaters on...
Legendary has emerged victorious in a competitive bidding war, securing an ambitious deal with Mob Entertainment to bring the horror video game “Poppy Playtime” to life...