Today we are presenting you another indie film titled ‘Up on the Housetop’ a classic Christmas horror comedy that follows the traditional old school monster style...
‘The Winchesters‘, a new ‘Supernatural‘ prequel is in the works and in its pilot we will see a young John and Mary Winchester. Variety reports that...
Spider-Man’s Jacob Batalon stars in “Reginald the Vampire,” a dramedy in the works at Syfy based on Johnny B. Truant’s Fat Vampire book series. The 10-episode...
Today we are presenting a unique horror movie with a very interesting idea. Grotesque is about a young woman Mildred Moyer (Elizabeth Chamberlain) who was born...
Chris Stuckmann is a film critic who for a decade reviewed films on his YouTube channel. His debut film is a horror film and its Kickstarter...
Hatching’s new horror fairy tale is on the way from IFC Midnight and will land in theaters on April 29 before VOD release on May 17,...
The first-ever live action “Resident Evil” series is headed to Netflix this summer, the streaming service has announced today, with the series premiering on July 14,...
After the big success of the last chapter, ‘Scream 6’ is scheduled to be released in theatres on March 31, 2023. There is nothing certain as...
Peter Facinelli stars alongside Eric Dane and Teri Polo in the upcoming psychological thriller The Ravine, which has been acquired for North American release by Cinedigm...
Fresh off the film’s premiere at SXSW, The Cellar is now gearing up for release from RLJE Films and Shudder, with the official trailer for the Elisha...